Friday, October 21, 2011

Team Greece ETC 2012

The Invulnerable has taken a request from ETC team Greece members to post the following call for the next team to go to the European Team Championship, since i am very interested in the participation of our team on this tournament i am more than happy to relay their message.

Call for ETC 2012 Team Greece.

The European Team Championship 2012 will be held the following August in Poland.  

Greece will take part this year too with a 40k team, the first step for gathering a team is to know how many are interested and can participate. If you are interested please sign up.

The participants must have the following prerequisites:
1) Must know good or excellent English, this is very important for communication. 

2) They must do a responsible sign up, we cant afford for a player to drop out from the team at the last moment, this includes the coverage of the expenses, tickets and hotel rooms must be booked until March. 

3) They must be active players that participate in recognized tournaments that post their results in public, For the final selection of the team a ranking system will be used that will consider the player's results in the tournaments he participated.

Whoever is interested may communicate with an email on: